Zephaniah 3:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
17 The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a warrior who gives victory;
he will rejoice over you with gladness,
he will renew you in his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing
You know how excited you get when you lose something and then find it...
Can you imagine how God must feel when one who is lost comes to him and is found...born anew...the light is turned on in their souls and they become a new creature in Christ...
There is a party that goes on in heaven when that happens, the angels celebrate!
But like this verse says God will exult over you with' LOUD SINGING!!!!!
Can you grasp the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God, the Ancient of Age...Throwing his head back, mouth opened wide, lungs filled with air, he begins singing over you?
If you could comprehend that...
What would be the words of the song?
What would God sing over you?
Think about it for a moment...
Words like;
My precious child...my darling, my love, my sweet, sweet baby...
I've longed for you to come to me for the longest time...
I've counted the days; I've watched you from afar...
I've prayed that you would give your heart and life to me;
I gently wooed you...
I sang you to me...
And then with a loud boisterous song...the words rings out...
You're finally here with me...
I love you more than you can ever fathom, I will shower you with kisses and happiness
I don't have to wait another moment...
You are here, forever, in my heart!
I'm so thankful you are home.
Something to ponder...
God waits too...
He's merciful and gracious and longs to have a relationship with us!
But He will not go against our free will...
Give Him all your heart...
Just as you have that longing for your children to love you, and call you, when they are away...
God feels the same way~
And when one comes home...listen...
God is singing a loud song...
He is rejoicing...over one who was lost
But now is found!